nitin jakhar

Bl​ockchain Analyst

Web3 Data degen, interested on DePIN, Defi, MEV ​and everything in between mapping out pitch ​decks and tokenomic projections

prev. at Stader Labs, Bitquery, ​Buidlers Trible, Rabble Labs.

My Work ​Ethics

I mainly focused on whatever shiny the CT has to offer ​to get the sociological side of crypto and do deep ​research in new projects and technical subjects such ​as MEV, rollups, defi(various curves), governance ​systems, tokenomics, consensus mechanism

Nearly everything is really ​interesting if you go into it ​deeply enough.

What I Do

Da​ta Analysis

I Use Dune, Flipside, Block explorers and ​other mainly using other’s Dashboard but ​ha​ve developed myself in past

Ve​nture Research

Have written couple of pitch decks, written ​so​me token valuations

cynically online on CT, Tg, Farcaster

A bit degen at heart to see what’s going on within the small ​crypto ​world